Global Hydrodynamics Lab (PI: Dai Yamazaki) is a part of U-Tokyo Global Hydrology Group in Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo.
Yamazaki lab is in U-Tokyo Komaba-2 Research Campus (Map, Directions) in central Tokyo.
Our studies mainly focus on the dynamics of land waters on the global scale, using modelling, remote sensing, and data integration approach.
NEWS: We are organizing CaMa-Flood annual progress briefing on 14 March (Online on Zoom). Please visit meeting webpage for detail.
東京大学 グローバル水文学グループの一部である山崎研究室(全球陸域水動態研究室)のWebPageです。 (ページ下部に日本語情報があります)
If you are interested in our team, please visit the below pages:
Our research activity is summarized in:
Group photo in Komaba-2 Campus (Dec 2024)
“Global Hydrodynamics” is the study of the dynamics of terrestrial waters over the entire Earth.
It focuses on the movement and storage of the surface and sub-surface waters at multiple temporal and special scales from local to global, including rivers, lakes, wetland, soil moisture, and groundwater. It also covers their interactions with related earth surface processes, such as precipitation, evaporation, coastal and ocean dynamics, biogeochemistry, climate change.
We extensively use modelling, remote sensing, and data integration approaches to cover the entire globe, while we also respect in-situ observations to determine important processes in global hydrodynamics and to ensure the robustness of the model conceptualization.
In addition to natural hydrological cycle, we also assess the impact of the terrestrial water variability to the human well-beings (e.g. flood, water resources, ecosystem service), and try to understand the reactions of the society (i.e. water resources and hazard management) and their feedback to the global hydrodynamic system.
Our lab is one of the world-leading hydrological science bridgeheads, consists of researchers and students with multiple backgrounds (Earth science, civil engineering, geography, spatial information science, computational science, etc.)
All research staff members belong to Institute of Industrial Science, while we also commit to education in the Department of Civil Engineering (Grad School of Engineering) and in the Graduate Program of Environmental Sciences (Grad School of Arts and Sciences).
We host monthly public seminar series named “Hydrosphere Science Seminar”, usually from 3pm on 1st Monday of each month using Zoom.
It’s a joint seminar organized by UTokyo Hydrosphere Environment Group. Anyone interested in our activity is welcomed. Please visit the seminar webpage for more detailed info.
UTokyo Hydrosphere Science Seminar
Yamazaki Lab is the primary development base for the global river model CaMa-Flood.
CaMa-Flood is the global-scale river model which has high computational efficiency and high accuracy. The model is now widely used by many users (includingsome meteolorogical agencies), and for variety of applications.
The source code of the CaMa-Flood model is published as Open Source project (under Apache 2.0 license), and we are happy for open collaborations for further developing the model to enable more advanced applications.
The model package (including minimum data to run test similations) are distributed in the product webpage, while the latest source code is managed on GitHub.
If you are interested in contributing CaMa-Flood model, please visit our CaMa-Flood GitHub repository.
We host CaMa-Flood developer/user international meeting, every two years (approxiamtely)
The first CaMa-Flood meeting was held on 5th and 6th July, 2024 (Friday and Saturday) at the Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo. Meeting webpage is here
Also, we are planning to host “Advances in Global River Modeling” session in AOGS2025 (August 2025, Singapore)
We have created a rainfall-runoff modeling game that allows you to enjoyably learn hydrological process through simulation. Please visit our webpage to play the game and learn hydrological processes.
研究内容は、地球システム科学・土木工学・地理学・空間情報学・計算機科学など様々な分野にまたがり、研究スタッフ・在籍学生・外部の共同研究チームはとても多様なバックグラウンドをもっています。本研究室の教員と研究員は東大生研を本拠地としており、学生は工学系研究科 社会基盤学専攻 または総合文化研究科 国際環境学プログラム(GPES)に所属しています。
より詳しくは研究紹介ページ、 研究室メンバーリストをご覧ください。山崎研究室に加わりたい場合はHow to join our team?に説明があります。
Lab news using Twitter WebAPI are not displayed in some environments. Please visit our Twitter @G_Hydrodynamics if you have Twitter Account. Hope this will recover soon.
Tweets by Yamazaki Lab