Student Academic Thesis

( For a list of journal papers, please go to publication page )

List of Ph.D/Master/Bachelor thesis in Yamazaki Lab

BA 2024 Mar, Shun Wakamatsu 若松 駿
( Creation of stage-discharge curve in a mountainous headwater river using 3D topography data and hydraulic simulation )

MA 2024 Mar, Naho Yoden 余田 奈穂
( Implementing inter-basin water transfers into global hydrological models )

MA 2024 Mar, Shoji Takeshi 庄司 健 古市賞
( The global estimation of sector-classified business interruption loss considering the process of infrastructure disruption caused by flood )

BA 2023 Sep, Yining Sun 孙 一宁
Estimation of Extreme Floods Time Series with Limited Sample Size: Analyzing Outlier-removal Approaches Based on Synthetic Data
( 限られたサンプルサイズでの極端洪水時系列の推定: 仮想データを用いた異常値除去手法の適用 )

MA 2023 Mar, Ikuto Kabbe 神戸育人
( Incorporating Levee Information into a Global Flood Model using an Aircraft Lidar DEM )

MA 2023 Mar, Shahab Uddin উদ্দিন শাহাব
Attribution of Flood Risk in Bangladesh to Climate Change and Climate Internal Variability
( バングラデッシュの洪水リスクに対する気候変化および気候内部変動の影響特定 )

MA 2023 Mar, Kosuke Hattori 服部 公輔 古市賞
Study on the complementarity of carbon pricing policy and decarbonization technology finance using IAM
( 統合評価モデルを用いたカーボンプライシング政策と脱炭素技術投資の関係についての研究 )

MA 2023 Mar, Takumi Bannai 坂内 匠
( Machine learning approach for Satellite precipitation retrieval based on precipitation physical mechanism )

Ph.D. 2022 Sep, Prakat Modi प्रकट मोदी
Multidimensional Uncertainty Comprehension for Improvement of Hydrological Prediction
( 水文予測改善のための多面的な不確実性の理解 )

MA 2022 Mar, Sawa Shimokawa 下川さわ
( Impacts on Dam Development on River Water Dynamics in the Mekong Basin )

BA 2022Mar, Naho Yoden 余田 奈穂
( Implementation of link-canal water transfer in the Indus River Basin to a global water resources model )

MA 2021Sep, Ruiqi Li 李 瑞琪
Attribution of Extreme Precipitation Events in Japan to Climate Change and Climate Internal Variability
( 極端降水イベントへの温暖化と気候内部変動の影響特定 )

MA 2021Mar, Kota Adachi 足立 幸太
( Represent hill valley moisture contrast by Land Surface Model with lateral subsurface flow )

MA 2021Mar, Kotaro Hamada 浜田 光太郎
土壌の水平・鉛直分布を 考慮した陸面モデルの開発
( Development of a land surface model considering horizontal and vertical variability )

MA 2020Sep, Robuil MD Islam মোঃ রবিউল ইসলাম
A Study on Fluvial Flood Synchronization at a Global Scale
( 全球スケールでの河川洪水の同時発生に関する研究 )

BA 2020Mar, Yuki Ishikawa 石川 悠生
( Global High-Resolution Estimation of Cropland Suitability and its Comparative Analysis to Actual Cropland Distribution )

MA 2020Mar, Takuto Shiozawa 塩澤 拓斗
( Estimation of underwater terrain at a large scale by combining a river model and satellite observation dataset )

MA 2020Mar, Yoshiaki Tanaka 田中 良明
( Development of levee scheme in a global river model and analysis of levee location characteristics in contiguous U.S. )

BA 2019Mar, Kotaro Hamada 浜田 光太郎 田辺賞
( Development of a global high resolution river and lake map and its time series analysis )

Ph.D 2019Mar, Hiroaki Ikeuchi 池内 寛明
( Development of a modelling framework for compound flooding in coastal deltas of the world’s continental rivers )

MA 2019Mar, Ryo Taguchi 田口諒
( Importance of the Business Interruption Loss in Global-scale Analysis of the Flood Damage on Economics )