CaMa-Flood annual progress briefing is a yearly event to review the achievements related to CaMa-Flood.
This is a new attempt from this year, and we will mainly introduce the achievements in 2023-2024.
The meeting is planned on 14th March 2025, online on Zoom.
Tentative time schedule is through 8-10PM in Japan time.
If you want to join the online briefing, please register from Google Form
Note: If you cannot join on 14 March, presentation by recorded video is also welcomed. Please advertise your achievement among CaMa-Flood community. For video presentation, please also register on the form.
CaMa-Flood annual progress briefing is a yearly event to review the achievements related to the global river model CaMa-Flood. This will be an opportunity for CaMa-Flood users/developers/contributors to advertise their achievements, and also a chance to enhance research network.
The briefing starts with the summary of the key progress report by the core developer team. Then, CaMa-Flood users have opportunity for introducing their achievements in a short-talk series. We are also thinking about having 1-2 invited talks for highlighting important achievements.
The primary purpose of the annual briefing is to make a catalogue of CaMa-Flood researches, and make it visible to CaMa-Flood communities and outward. We’d like to ask CaMa-Flood users/contributors to make a short summary on their achievement (1-2 page), and generate “CaMa-Flood annual progress report” by collecting these summaries. Also, we will record presentations during the online meeting and make it as “video report”.
Note: We are also planning to have CaMa-Flood user/developer meeting every two years, which prioritize discussion on frontier topics and future directions. The annual briefing primary focuses on summarizing the recent achievements. Of course, networking of CaMa-Flood user community is the most important purpose in the both meetings.
If you want to join the online briefing, please register from Google Form
(For attending)
(For presenting your achievement)
(For those who want to present, but cannot join on 14 Mar)
The meeting is for sharing the achievements related to CaMa-Flood in 2023-2024. Thus, we assume you published your work in advance (journal publication, preprint paper, online documents, or web contents), and provide the summary of that work in the meeting. (If not yet published, you can introduce it in next year).
Any achievements related to CaMa-Flood can be introduced.
If you are not sure your achievement fits to the scope, please just ask the meeting organization team (yamazaki [at] As this is the first annual briefing event, we accept achievements for past years. We focuses primary on 2023-2024, but earlier works are also welcomed.
We will ask all presenters to prepare 1-2 page summary of your achievement, which will be published as “CaMa-Flood annual progress report”. We will share GoodleDocs URL for online edit, or you can just send the MS Word file by email. Deadline for 1-2 page summary is 28th February.
The CaMa-Flood annual progress briefing 2024 will take place on 14th March 2025 (Friday), Online on Zoom.
Tentative meeting time is 11AM - 1PM in GMT (2 hours) on 14 March, but might change depending on number of presentations.
Yamazaki received AOGS Kamide Lecture Award (Hydrology Section), and made a lecture talk in in August 2021. The recorded talk is available on “YouTube”
We will organize a Large-scale River Modeling session in AOGS2025.
The meeting is through 27 July to 1 August in Singapore. Please consider joining, and I’m looking forward to meeting you there.
AOGS2025 meeting webpage
The abstract submission deadline is 18 February.
(Session Info)
HS09: Advances in Large-scale River Modeling: Developments and Applications
Large-scale river modeling has continuously evolved in recent years. This evolution is due to many factors such as better conceptualization of river flow physics, new schemes to represent river infrastructures, advancement of baseline geography data like elevation and river networks, and increasing computational resources. These advancements enabled more advanced applications of large-scale river models, such as global-scale flood risk assessment, real-time flood forecast on the continental scale, coupling with Earth system models, and integration of satellite river observations into models through data assimilation. In this session, we welcome any research topics related to the development and/or applications of large-scale river models. New scientific discoveries obtained from large-scale river modeling and/or local decision-support applications are also welcome to submit. We will review the frontier research on large-scale river modeling and discuss next challenges and future directions.
We are thinking about having the 2nd CaMa-Flood user/developer meeting in Summer-Autumn 2026. The meeting plan is under consideration now. Please wait for a while.
As of January 2025
Please email to Dai Yamazaki ( yamadai [at] ) and/or Xudong Zghou (x.zhou [at] ) for question about the meeting.